forlatt — similar artists: nödutgång:självmord, etheraldine, 5ml, stille volk, souf(f)re, trees clouds, misere nobis, fethuruz, nethermost/vin de mia trix, serpent herder, VARDAN, seelenheil, mandragora malevola, crowhurst, cathedraline, hoeverlord, unfelled, griefrain, féroces, heimleiden, trees, clouds & silence, autumn laments, an open letter, insonus, my purest heart for you, inexistenz, sombres forêts, aprilmist, afraid of destiny, fall to november sky..., goatech, northern incarnation, nihilifer, meszaroth, melankoli, erancnoir, withered grey, toluca, moon far away, lebensnacht, sun of the dying, verlies, svadilfare, nòtt, sparkle, a diadem of dead stars, eye of nix, nnra, grief/loss, black march, d'un autre temps, nochnoy dozor, wending tide, einsamtod, dwell in solitude, across the moment, lonely star,