geology+records — similar artists: velvet davenport, moon glyph, peak eloquence, the sacred ensemble, leisure birds, roy orb, concessionaires, alligator crystal moth, youth studies, altar eagle, asomatous, brad e. rose, anna l.h. rose, lajoie, tender meat, the lobster, aaron space, sativa flats, radical cemetery, gods eye, erros mágicos, jonathan delehanty, his terrestrial underlings, ajilvsga, capricorn vertical slum, the non travellin' band, ossining, reggae 90210, lord dog bird, magic castles, james chen, the north sea, oriente lux, boneset, collin gorman weiland, building buildings, beatrice morel journel, deep earth, corsican paintbrush, henry the rabbit, island house recordings, sip/prezzano, indian weapons, charlatan, little knives, country wifi, lexus fur, parker sprout, hanging thief, space dive, wet bear, atlantic triangular trade, the starless oracle, white crime, starbirthed, dead luke, dorval,