kampen — similar artists: kampen, waldstille, wintercult, akrethion, norskian anathium, lidelse, zwiespalt, zakaz, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, d'un autre temps, anguana, grotesque shades, ritual spell, fortress of the olden days, stikkersvin, einsamtod, kádmos, blood sorcery, windark, skognatt, mysterious castle, vosbúð, buer's rugiet, fog nights mysteries, winter willow, wampyric bloodlust, häxkapell, pale shroud, igatsus, salqiu, requiem of death, bál, ascend towards the moon, trauer, argwaan, transcending rites, merkithaasikha, vuosisata, aldaaron, nostalgic darkness, sapientia diaboli, sarastus, freitod zeremonie, epiphanie, psionic madness, melankoli, ovnev, cathedraline, gaktungar, concubia nocte, avoid the light, aūkels, crymych, unjoy, old graves, goddamn gringos, hajotos,