klamm — similar artists: benthik zone, schattenvald, sparkle, frozen dreams, arstidir lifsins, niht, the nihilistic front, seventh dimension, diphenylchloroarsine, ukrainian resistance, the psychedelic ensemble, cuscuta, nnra, netherbird, smiletron, Until Death Overtakes Me, cosmic burial, abyssic, mirror morionis, embedded, dimholt, vyre, morgue of saints, octavarium, urnscent, darkend, imperceptum, metalblack, hellveto, embrace of souls, hanormale, arphael, grisatre, blakagir, dissonant winds, athanatheos, famishgod, domgård, profetus, two face sinner, sarkel, blood of serpents, præternatura, mistress of the dead, 0-nun, maladie, antigone's fate, neoheresy, aptrgangr, deadborn, zakaz, transcending rites, bryan eckermann, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, kvalvaag, yhdarl, wallfahrer,