krano — similar artists: Maple Death Records, j.h. guraj, video duct, metro crowd, heart of snake, bad meds, starbirthed, geodetic, ash brooks, flower room, sabasaba, krano, tonal cosmology, blak saagan, the wound, ml wah, slaylor moon, grotto terrazza, curious margie, matt lajoie, stromboli, catholic block, witches broom, herbcraft, dire wolves absolutely perfect brothers band, ancient plastix, cursillistas, everest magma, qlowski, dwlvs, james jonathan clancy, just exactly perfect sisters band, thick air, dire wolves just exactly perfect sisters band, the heavy lidders, tastic, hallelujah!, jeffreyalexander., wet tuna, jeffrey alexander - andrea belfi - stefano pilia, H E R B, split cs, endless caverns, his clancyness, taper's choice, double standard string band, his electro blue voice, black forest/black sea, science kit, more klementines, boring machines, one inch of shadow, whitney k, luke lukas, jeffrey alexander trio, jack name, garage boy,