l.a.s.'s crime — similar artists: peppy pep pepper, cold beats records, Plague Pits, oppenheimer mkii, mitra mitra, mängelexemplar, non-lieu, human puppets, der nachtportier, doric, adam tristar, electric voice records, tango mangalore, metro decay, Unterschall, dendö marionette, cult club, age o.p.f, s.m. nurse, burning skies of elysium, minimal/analog, monopol, mode in gliany, kline coma xero, lives of angels, convex model, carlo onda, data fragments, violetiger, hard corps, vam cyborg, effetto joule, 5x0d, tiempo 555, oberst panizza, diastereomer, spiral visions, aloa, impersonate or die, rina pavar, strucktura, letten 94, el ojo y la navaja, fernando gallego, lost desert/spleen ideal, L'Avenir, inmatfabrik, red fetish, 23rd underpass, a haunted sawmill, analytica, aimless device, v-sor,x, artificial monuments, this is the bridge, RADERKRAFT, the last days of jesus,