life+model — similar artists: life model, 4vesta, nancy sin, peach gardens, star tropics, battery point, prepare my glider, the beremy jets, visiting diplomats, Lightfoils, the blue herons, leave the planet, lavender blush, we.the pigs, archdeacon of pop records, relay tapes, shoe shine six, coming up roses, teardrop factory, famous problems, bruising, palespectres, lemondaze, hate week, the bv's, rilev, the churchhill garden, tuff love, odd box records - defunct, chorusgirl, beech coma, atmos bloom, polar lows, dream suicides, maria false, just blankets, mainlight, magic love, soon, she said, Star Horse, death of heather, the choo choo trains, grubs, t. g. shand, echo ladies, nossiennes, stomp talk modstone, souvenir stand, squiggles, trementina, syupeo jenjang, japanese heart software, tut, burning house, the luxembourg signal, Youthmemory, Indoor Voices,