luvfreak — similar artists: soft dreamwave, broken love story, lonely aisles, juicy papaya records, everything at war, the klesh, gurlsowndz plus, captain johnny sausage, timingila, gio orlando, jason high, michael eleczko, green vapor, timinglia, drain life from lo-fi, emonem, chasper, sonic archaeology, green schwinn, zatrebil, ixsxdxsxtxp, existential void, big blue bazooka, jesus the millionaire, crack demarco, big moose manholington, zen hooker kamikaze, the cremant, ghost of gardenia, GUNHO, yorkshire riffer, spindickle, marador, biznes, simmons and schuster, s. collector, sun turret, abebe schmidt, beyond scope, metal daily songs, mindless paradise, blue pigeons, something went wrong, love eyes, lights in pairs, red huffy, eli yoshizawa, measuring hole, odious repose, olion, blok numer 35, possession trance, nüdoria, roi maziazz, marhkr, iconoclastician, bnikgagn,