mala+in+se — similar artists: lardo, multicult, new brutalism, motherfucker, police teeth, body futures, bbigpigg, blacklevel embassy, menfolk, conan neutron & the secret friends, manhandle, maple stave, lunar grave, war brides, glose, the united sons of toil, karcher, mammock, the powder room, cellos, joe 4, hungry man, unintimidated: wisconsin musicians against scott walker, Buzz Rodeo, fake limbs, kate wakefield, asbestos worker, risk/reward, bc35, the austerity program, monotrope, bardus, baxter stockman, knife the symphony, lkn, blatant dissent, law boss, black congress, poino, light coma, ladder devils, seminars, super luxury, mister dude, sleepcrawler, hoaries, lltttd, super thief, phratry records sampler, united fruit, the ghost is clear records, the gary, blacklisters, tongue party, touched by a janitor, buildings, villabrut,