mallwalker — similar artists: the nits, consensus madness, blonde revolver, derby dolls, sniffany, abi ooze, wet dip, arrêt, mundo primitivo, cel ray, synthetic id, ugly shadows, happy hookers for jesus, jj and the a's, star party, cold circuits, la culpa, brorlab, grazia, the yeasties, it thing, secret prostitutes, the prissteens, the real distractions, the darling buds, glaas, bad anxiety, catisfaction, howlin' banana bands, virvon varvon, pleasure venom, lumpy and the dumpers, rotary club, class act, pitchman, the muff divers, display homes, allvaret, theee retail simps, total love, destructos, anxious living, the neuros, crooked bangs, exxxon, new berlin, dumspell, miss españa, freak genes, dumb idea, insane urge, all hits, big huge, choncy, class, candy highway, pletyka,