metal+eater — similar artists: an old witch's hat, under the branches of old trees, lichmouth, frailord, drepamorginn, windlance, hyperborean might, erythrite throne/seregost, broken sword, sorrows of the moon, ithildin tape production, theodora, abholos, ugorim, gölgaräh, fading candelabrum, moss keep, arthel, the owl knight, wallachian coven, nokturnuus, seregost, morgrav, elder goblin, seikai, tal'darim, dyvyná, boughs enshrouded, vampyric tomb mold, serpentis, orlok's mourning, moss golem, erythrite throne, weinender nachzehrer, enchanted mail, howling mire, garden of beleth, nauglamĂr, bjergfolk, erythrite throne/imp, grimsword, coniferous myst/erythrite throne, moss golem/frailord, dungeontroll, cláirseach, obsidian relic, cefaris, hammer & flail recordings, north fortress, keeper of the gates, rutnukt, mahomet renatus, fog kingdom, abscond, scarlet eclipse/orlok's mourning, frostower, nebulous of blood,