misery+loves+co. — similar artists: the white swan, howling sycamore, thandi ntuli, nennen, the monolith deathcult official, songleikr, legend & sólstafir, dog fashion disco, misery loves co, trust obey, Kalandra, vous autres, carl testa, in a forest of signs, godthrymm, mands, vitskär süden, american head charge, swami raja, slithek, halfway to gone, david galas, the joy thieves, dordeduh, doodseskader, Big Black Delta, lungbutter, wrekmeister harmonies, mark lanegan band, nightmare frequency, stampin' ground, necromantia, not the flag, not the wind, pet jail, the magus, oxbow, d'vwah, dj pissbucket, little fuss, chris leidner trio, dream data, interl∞pers, polkadot cadaver, broadcloth, autumn tears, the schizoid, the phoeron, gideon smith, the dixie damned, dk dance, venom8888, cpuwar, nacional erudita, fire + ice, hercklekot, no brigade,