mr. fried burger/neue friedberger oper/m. friedberger — similar artists: mr. fried burger/neue friedberger oper/m. friedberger, hartley c. white, martyr group, jimmie packard, heat wilson, eleanor friedberger, sord, jo miller-gamble, bruce hart, nals goring, r. hundro, mark beer, marlon cherry, better psychics, frank kogan, cohort, tomato flower, blanche blanche blanche, bitchin bajas & bonnie "prince" billy, john mcguire, jobs, ex-vöid, rashad becker, hellier ulysses, ben lawless, ustad zia mohiuddin dagar, thumbscrew [tomas fujiwara, café kaput, hearts & minds, mind over mirrors, JPS, miranda july, darius jones quartet, pinc louds, natalie rose lebrecht, the modern folk/andrew weathers, the cosmic range, matthew friedberger, yai, flaming dragons of middle earth, paul de jong, hornsby, de paiva, the modern folk, white magic, andrew smiley, zach phillips, pierre elitair, praed orchestra!, hannah marks, happy valley band, played by philip thomas, penny carson nichols, julian bradley, saqqara mastabas, carl didur, whirlynn,