naagauk — similar artists: herxsebet, ennoleuksno setera, eyávbëg, aversabilis, apott records, abstavzürulezt, tertiadvientvm, saatana hatiim, krypthall, mdccxi, majestic black serpent lordship, dz'itnup, moosgespenster, blood of melancholy, arcanticus, fonsadera, dark devotion, voces mysticae, the black mysteries, xlulhlu, a.w.g.h, sajkil, de gevreesde ziekte, dodenbezweerder, plaagdrager, kakasbal, torva caedis, howling nightwinds, weerzin, girtablullû, duivel, armnatt, troglodytin, degredo, grafjammer, tirgûl, glöqke, naagauk, tetelestai, d.r.e.p., obscure skuadron, occelensbrigg, wierde, winds of gladsheimr, mons veneris, the night specter, prosternatur, pyriphlegethon, nocturnal thirst, beenkerver, sterveling, autumn's rapture, reeking nightshade, sulfurous presence, eternal downfall, caput mortuum, spectral corruption,