nogothula — similar artists: nogothula, décryptal, unembalmed, decaying crypt, congealed putrescence, abysmalist, exsul, reverence to paroxysm, doomcreeper, ritual fog, exaugurate, mutagenic host, cryptic dissolution, paranoia apparition, metaphobic, impetuous burial, sigils of ruin, kontusion, severed boy, grotesqueries, gurgling gore, pukewraith, tumulation, repulsive mass, machinations of fate, discordant meditation, screwed, vile execution, shapeless being, borboropsis, Cystic, cadaverous, iron tomb, oxalate, hormagaunt, atavistic decay, disfuneral, somatic decay, haserot, immersed in pain, reeking aura, hrob, scab hag, well of night, besotten, infernal dominion, carnal ruin, regurgitated guts, groaning retch, scorching tomb, vilespawn, writhing shadows, morbid cruelty, perihelion gnosis, entrail asphyxiation, vrenth, wretched inferno,