nupraptor — similar artists: cult of sorrow, crimson altar, morganthus, dryasdust, his masters voice - the devils blues, the ossuary, elk witch, leather nun america, stone magnum, neil merryweather, the space rangers, serpent warning, spacemetal, lords of triumph, starlight ritual, witching altar, second grave, the riven, majesty in ruin, witchwood, mountain throne, spiral grave, dawn of winter, doomicidal, stone cadaver, oceanlord, great rift, blues funeral, necromandus, green king, mausoleum gate, godhead lizard, serpent rider, wiser fool, seer of the void, predawn, cryptic edifice, the dirty earth, spacelord, fool magician, crystal warlock, lâmmia, white magician, blood feast, spirit division, high warden, svartanatt, entierro, eternal black, grief collector, elliott's keep, substratum, arkham witch vault, rogue deal, old mother hell, dying wizard, the swill,