obacha — similar artists: fake dust, xbrainiax, obacha, mellow harsher, beasters, deliriant nerve, snagg, moisturizer, cave state, shitbrains, shooting spree, knuckle scraper, chainsaw squid, in disgust, mehkago n.t., slavemaker, x8xgatesx, magnum force, deathrats, noose sweat, get destroyed, To Live A Lie Records, sandxcoffin, department of education, sex prisoner, vulva essers, fuxache, cumbomb, guilt dispenser, dos amigos, rhino charge, powercup/pizza hi five, malpractice insurance, ether binge, happy society, lxexaxrxnx, throat slitter, charogne stone, shit life, daunted, suppression with bastard noise, final draft, mind as prison, fxpxox, sakatat, kevlar upper, Magrudergrind, pizzahifive, water torture/thedowngoing, skiplife, writhing mass, split open, sordo, drug mule, acxdc, chest pain, brain tourniquet,