bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

orodrim — similar artists: bornwithhair, euphoriadic, fisthammer, orodrim, warp chamber, astralborne, dessiderium, metaphobic, the sun came up upon the left, order of the wolf, reviled above all others, mother anxiety, wyrmhaven, vinterdracul, settle for shadows, murderbait, timeghoul, grotesque misalignment, dust prophet, gołoledź, bury them and keep quiet, machinations of fate, syrup moose records, kaikkivaltias, tormentor tyrant, our earth is a tomb, engulf, unmother, s h r i e k i n g, ferum, svnbreaker, a death by the seaside, Discharge, aisteach, haserot, alvaldur, ainor, xaoc, white crone, tausendstern, lord almighty, vomit ritual, spectral child, a feast for lampreys, one eyed ancestor, severed headshop, black hole deity, daughter chaos, cavernous gate, north star the wanderer, greyfleshtethered, quantum hierarchy, mouri sunlight, revered and reviled above all others, they drove us from the garden, world eaters, varanak,