sarkh — similar artists: kungens man, lastryko, psych lovers, domboshawa, aquarius lux - primitive knot, hieronymus dream, acid roulette, dead otter, upupayama, arcane allies, kombynat robotron, grombira - oriental space rock, Shem, krautwerk, father sky mother earth, elara sunstreak band, hawkwywa, space shepherds, parasito, kungens män, automatism, great rift, sarkh, limestone whale, jerky dirt, les nadie, the moonshine brand, Taras Bul'ba, indus valley kings, psychic lemon, adam stone, holy mushroom, la grande armée, swell o, the space spectrum, green orbit, from the ages, stargo, sound of smoke, cracked machine, a thousand arms, madmess, earthling society, godhead lizard, svenska psykvänner, soonago, apodemus, desert tree house, below a silent sky, minerall, zone six, paper bomb, wasted catherdral, cardinal fuzz shop, lamagaia, triptonus, tuna de tierra,