scallywag — similar artists: gata cattana, Ixindamix, corey laitman, scallywag, garbage disposal union, Clarence Clarity, sourdoe, true dreams, Bad Girlz, bobby jealousy, shred city presents, the new restaurants, brother machine, amos torres, rowan katz, phoebe kreutz, the woes, sp23, the one nite stands, fee doyle, leslie graves, eagle and talon, small chucks, bloodman stticks, comfort cat, jo kroger, the lovenauts, the peregrine effect, april heliotis, norton antivirus, current ex, dots will echo, charlie arbie, collective hardcore, emily ringel, terror at space camp, joe folk, the sunday colors, rebecca florence, super pop records, revv, coost lardy cake, Pink Lint, and ix indamix, frank hoier, crystal distortion, daughter bat, the lip stings, rozé, max ripps, max stalker-wilde, julie lamendola leslie graves lettice as endless arrows, mr. ipps, gg/ghost riot, dont panik !, traffic island sound, the soho valley boys,