sitarsonic — similar artists: the space spectrum, spirit division, oulu space jam collective, space shepherds, black voodoo train, Shem, doomicidal, sitarsonic, the archaic revival, the moonshine brand, scaevola's fire, vapors of morphine, olmeg, domboshawa, comet control, deep space destructors, the kettle, the infinite trip, blue black hours, dustrider, sonic mass, liquidacid, sista maj, operentzia, black moon circle, enuui, soul thief, sivani mata, the acid guide service, dryasdust, powered wig machine, parasol caravan, trevor's head, lunar grave, holy mushroom, electric pussy, seven planets, tuna de tierra, mountainwolf, l' ira del baccano, bratakus, black woods, left or right, space slavery, paleons, spiralter, the crazy left experience, chief of smoke, Enos, lizard queen, decasia, godhead lizard, dunst, vintage cucumber, atomonaut, knall, dub kirtan all stars,