stand+your+ground — similar artists: the dirty earth, mother mooch, selene, ossonor, little foot long foot, rhenium, arcane existence, sabbath assembly, dreamgrave, viraemia, cwn annwn, Eternal Dream, darkyra, mr. bella, lost nebula, elvellon, defy the tide, upon revival, ceruleus, oncethesun, over the coals, lumus, picture me broken, uncrossing, kira lee, altered sky, sacrifice to survive, ascending dawn, chiasma, oblivioussignal, seditionist, kamera obscura, the hourglass, second grave, ariel's attic, insatia, at mourning's end, dreams of agony, neophobia, kings winter, midnattsol, talvienkeli, duesterlust, aeranea, the sign of ampersand, his masters voice - the devils blues, evil queen, rise of athena, dialith, witch charmer, crimson valley, trocaria, blind revision, manora, scarlet canary, metalwings, daemon lost,