teal+grapefruit — similar artists: jj ulius, private anarchy, blank statements, cuticles-major works lp, thistle group, cleta patra records, skiftande enheter, brick head, mammas mysteriska jukebox, alex macfarlane, the gabys, the kiwi animal, feeling figures, table sugar, richard papiercuts, xv, rrr band, mikey young, puppet wipesthe stones are watching, they can be a handful lp, midnight mines, the garbage, cia debutante-dust lp, the garbage and the flowers, monokultur, 番⻑ taste, non plus temps, komare, Clever, rider/horse, strapping fieldhands, more klementines, violin sect, shūko no omit, the native cats, wingtip sloat, ibex clone, triple negative, glen schenau, treasury of puppies, deep tunnel project, private sorrow, shop regulars, loopsel, mutual jerk, children maybe later, spiritual mafia, david nance group, famous mammals, david kenneth nance, wet dip, hash redactor, violent change, blues ambush, theee retail simps, friendly boyfriend, usurabi,