the+horne+section — similar artists: the horne section, john robins, the two drink minimums, bill botting, jonny & the baptists, cherryade records, stuart goldsmith, the comment section, friz frizzle, michael legge, fortitude valley, indietracks festival, david o'doherty, franklin bruno, mj hibbett & the validators, gavin osborn, grasscourt, the second hand marching band, owen parker, mj hibbett, the short parliament, paul williams, and steve, bill botting & the two drink minimums, article 54, the doubleclicks, shelter scotland, tim key, david hoare, john osborne, kate nyx, famous problems, misty's big adventure, elva, homestuck, boothby graffoe, thom tuck, kirsty newton, and catharine woodward, whoa melodic, jane and john, hate week, hannah botting, the listies, nancy sin, the smith garrett band, the great electric, s. j. tucker, the monroe transfer, european sun, paul litchfield, the long parliament, nick gill, sunturns, the mystery fax machine orchestra, spearmint, dj downfall,