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08/2012 Smash It Out (single) short toehider
alternative post-rock progressive progressive rock math rock post-metal NYP similar

similar albums

03/2014 Whoa (single) short toehider
alternative post-rock progressive math rock post-metal prog rock NYP similar
06/2012 And I Wait For My World To End (single) anubis
alternative post-rock progressive math rock post-metal prog rock similar
10/2010 Musodynamics the bird's robe collaboration band
alternative post-rock progressive math rock post-metal avante garde NYP similar
09/2011 To Hide Her ★★☆toehider
alternative pop post-rock progressive math rock post-metal similar
12/2011 The Last Six toehider
experimental rock alternative pop post-rock progressive similar
01/2015 Known/Learned link #2 ★★★arcane
rock alternative post-rock progressive progressive rock progressive metal similar
04/2010 230503 ★★anubis
alternative post-rock progressive math rock post-metal prog similar
07/2014 What Kind Of Creature Am I? toehider
alternative post-rock progressive math rock post-metal similar
05/2013 Down There link #2 track the nerve
rock alternative post-rock progressive rock & roll hard rock similar
11/2022 Corners Of The Mind Bonus Disc 10 (SOC Tracks) ★★★dave kerzner in continuum
rock progressive rock classic rock similar
08/1995 Ceinwen simon says
experimental rock folk classical progressive progressive rock similar
04/2015 PAINTED MANTRA (album) ★★★☆mushroom giant
alternative post-rock shoegaze progressive rock progressive metal instrumental rock similar
03/2012 Bird's Robe Records sampler (Pay What You Want) ★★★bird's robe records
alternative post-rock progressive math rock post-metal NYP similar
09/2016 New World Live ★★★dave kerzner
rock alternative rock progressive rock cinematic classic rock similar
02/2021 Human natural born machine
rock progressive rock hard rock experimental rock progressive metal fusion similar
06/2013 GRICE - Live sessions from Sound Gallery Studios grice
electronic alternative singer-songwriter progressive progressive rock art rock similar
12/2021 New World Live in Miami (Hi Res 24bit 96k) ★☆dave kerzner
rock progressive rock classic rock pink floyd similar
06/2020 The Illusion's Reckoning (Special Edition) ★★★mantra vega
rock progressive rock classic rock similar
03/2020 The Absent Forest (vol 1) link #2 ★★☆grice
electronic experimental alternative pop progressive art rock similar
10/2023 Scream Inside The Tear dandelion charm
rock folk progressive prog similar
08/2019 The Grand Theatre doug woods and colin powell
rock ambient electronic progressive rock similar
04/2020 Tastemaker Suite link #2aquanaut
electronic experimental rock alternative jazz soundtrack similar
03/2018 alexandrine grice
experimental alternative pop art rock similar
09/2016 New World Live Extended Edition ★★★☆dave kerzner
rock progressive rock classic rock pink floyd beatles genesis similar
04/2023 Into the Heart of the Sun (SPECIAL EDITION) marco ragni
rock progressive rock psychedelic rock space rock similar
07/2022 The Traveler (Special Edition) ★★★★☆dave kerzner
rock progressive rock classic rock pink floyd genesis yes similar
12/2017 The Grey of Granite Stone link #2 ★★★☆grice
electronic experimental alternative pop acoustic alternative rock similar
09/2014 Stranded ★★dave kerzner
rock progressive rock classic rock pink floyd genesis similar
05/2018 GRICE (Live) All Angels ★★grice
electronic alternative progressive art rock live acoustic rock similar
01/2019 A Year In The Revolution 2018various artists
rock singer-songwriter progressive folk rock progressive rock progressive metal art rock prog prog rock classic rock similar