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10/2016 The Bend in the Break ★★★★★dangers
punk hardcore rock & roll independent similar

similar albums

01/2010 Messy, Isn't It? ★★★★★dangers
rock punk hardcore rock & roll independent similar
08/2006 ANGER ★★★★★dangers
punk hardcore rock & roll independent similar
09/2023 Yes, and... ★★★☆'68
rock punk rock & roll grunge similar
08/2019 Blood of the Beasts ★★★★★sect
metal similar
06/2024 Light Of Death ★★★★★umbra vitae
metal death metal brutal death metal similar
07/2006 Violence Violence ★★★★☆ceremony
rock punk indie hardcore violence similar
08/2009 the beat of a dead horse ★★★☆touche amore
punk indie rock post-hardcore screamo similar
04/2019 Mistakes Like Fractures short ★★★★☆knocked loose
metal hardcore metalcore sludge beatdown metallic hardcore similar
08/2017 Self-Destruct short ★★★★★
experimental hardcore metalcore similar
02/2020 Dissolution Of Balance ★★★cremations
punk metal hardcore hardcore punk post-hardcore metalcore similar
06/2010 Eyes & Nines ★★★trash talk
punk hardcore similar
06/2023 Years Of Lead ★★★★world i hate
punk metal hardcore hardcore punk powerviolence similar
12/2021 Tribulation Worksongs, Vol. 3 short ★★★☆modern life is war
punk hardcore similar
11/2023 Consume and Burn ★★★horsewhip
punk metal hardcore crust heavy crust punk similar
11/2023 Sexless Marriage link #2 ★★sexless marriage
punk hardcore similar
10/2015 Personal War ★★★★★birds in row
punk hardcore diy melodic hardcore french similar
05/2023 Felony Riddenmultiple pieces
metal hardcore emo metalcore math rock screamo similar
01/2024 LOCKSLIP ★★★★lockslip
punk metal hardcore metalcore mathcore metallic hardcore NYP similar
04/2021 Degradation ★★★☆colonial wound
punk metal indie hardcore hardcore punk post-hardcore similar
12/2015 I Hate Myself and Want You To Die short ★★★★fucking invincible
punk noise hardcore hardcore punk noisecore powerviolence similar
08/2019 Life Without Pain Is a Fucking Fantasy link #2 ★★★★☆zombie apocalypse
metal hardcore heavy metal thrash metal metalcore melodic hardcore similar
06/2021 Tawny ★★★★★drug church
alternative punk hardcore similar
12/2022 Chepang / Racetraitor Split short ★☆twelve gauge records
punk hardcore grindcore similar
11/2022 Erase Me track chemical fix
rock punk hardcore punk rock hardcore punk punk hardcore NYP similar
12/2017 In Search of Self-Evidence withered bones
rock hardcore melodic hardcore punk hardcore independent music similar
07/2018 Satan In The Wait track ★★★★☆daughters
punk hardcore grindcore math rock similar
07/2023 ENDLESS PUNCTURES bleeding maw
metal hardcore death metal metalcore NYP similar
05/2015 Onward EP short ★★★★meek is murder
rock alternative punk metal hardcore similar
01/2008 Trash Talk ★★★★trash talk
punk metal hardcore doom sludge powerviolence NYP similar
11/2017 No Cure For Death ★★★★★sect
metal similar